void swapGreater(int number1, int number2);
2)Create function to take an array as a input argument and shift larger walue in to the last array element.
void arraySort(int *array);
void arraySort(int *array);
first array look - 12, 300 ,4 ,56 , 67, 3
after swap - 12 , 4,56,67,3,300
after swap - 12 , 4,56,67,3,300
3) Create function to read values to array from key board.
void takeInputs(int *array);
4) Create function to dsplay values from array .
void displayValues(int *array);
5) Create the main mehod and do the following.
create array with 6 elements;
take values from keybord using takeInputs function.
take values from keybord using takeInputs function.
do 5 times arraySort function call to the array.
display the array using displayValues function
** this question is 100% not the same , but the program u have to write for this problem is same as the practical test.
** this question is 100% not the same , but the program u have to write for this problem is same as the practical test.